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DOWNLOAD CUT 1 DR. ANTHONY FAUCI – Says he thinks we’ll have a vaccine by November or December (:29)


DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – RAINN WILSON – Reveals that he was the very first person to audition for a role in The Office (:48)


DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – RAINN WILSON – Imagines what Dwight, his character from The Office, would be like during a pandemic (:45)


DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – SHAQUILLE O’NEAL Describes the inspiration for one of his best games ever (:31)


DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – SHAQUILLE O’NEAL Comments on Inside The NBA’s giant desk (:14)


DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – SHAQUILLE O’NEAL Recalls the time his mom and Charles Barkley’s mom broke up a fight between them (:55)


DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – STASSI SCHROEDER – Admits she was a Karen before it became a thing (:30)


DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – STASSI SCHROEDER – Recognizes that she wasn’t “anti-racist” (:30)


DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – TERRY BRADSHAW – Says he’s the alpha, after asking his wife (:53)


DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – VIRAL VIDEO – A group of anti-maskers invade a Target in Florida and demand that shoppers remove their masks while yelling “we’re not gonna take it anymore.” (:30)

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