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DOWNLOAD CUT 1 – BILL MAHER – Compares Will Smith to a “Twitter mob” after taking Chris Rock’s side on the Oscar slap debacle (:50)


DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – CHRIS ROCK – Explains what “LA Philosophy” means during a vox pop at Santa Monica Beach (:13)


DOWNLOAD CUT 3 JADA PINKETT SMITH Says she doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her bald head in a video release 4 days before the Oscars (:40)


DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – JAMES CORDEN Sings an Oscars-themed parody of “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” (1:00)


DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – JIM CARREY – Says he was “sickened” by the standing ovation at the Oscars after Will Smith’s acceptance speech (:23)


DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – JIM CARREY – Says he would have sued Will Smith (:13)


DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – JIMMY KIMMEL – Was shocked that no one helped Chris Rock (:13)


DOWNLOAD CUT 8WILL SMITH – Dances with his Oscar while singing along to “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” at an after party (:44)


DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – WILL SMITH – Makes fun of a bald man in a resurfaced clip from 1991 (:20)


DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – VIRAL VIDEO – A mom shares a must-know “mom hack” for getting her kids to take medicine without any fuss (:27)


DOWNLOAD CUT 11 – VIRAL VIDEO – A woman tells the story of how she ultimately divorced her husband to marry best man at their wedding, part 1 (:35)


DOWNLOAD CUT 12 – VIRAL VIDEO – A woman tells the story of how she ultimately divorced her husband to marry best man at their wedding, part 2 (:49)

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